Thursday, 31 July 2014

1. Introduction to Atomic Physics

Ketua Dewan Pertimbangan Partai NasDem Rachmawati Soekarnoputri memberikan sikap terhadap hasil Pilpres 2014. Dia mengaku resah banyaknya kecurangan dalam perhelatan pesta demokrasi ini.

Putri ketiga Presiden pertama RI Soekarno itu menjelaskan, sikap ini dilandasi lantaran banyak desakan dari berbagai pihak. Dirinya pun sesumbar segera membentuk gerakan atas persoalan ini bernama Front Pelopor.

"Saya ingin menjelaskan keinginan saya untuk menyatakan sebuah deklarasi atas nama pribadi dan adanya desakan dan permintaan dari berbagai kalangan untuk menyatakan sikap. Saya menyatakan sebagai anak bangsa yang independen. Tapi lebih dari itu, menyelamatkan hak bangsa dan negara. Proses pilpres banyaknya kecurangan yang diperlihatkan oleh anak bangsa dalam mengambil momentum kekuasan. Jadi perkenankan saya ingin deklarasikan Front Pelopor yang diambil sebagai pendiri Partai Pelopor," kata Rachmawati saat jumpa pers di kediamannya bilangan Pejaten, Jakarta, Kamis (31/7).

Pendiri Universitas Bung Karno (UBK) menambahkan, kegiatan yang akan dilakukan oleh gerakan tersebut, yakni mendesak Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) agar bertindak tegas terutama soal banyaknya spanduk bertuliskan 'Jokowi Presiden Terpilih'. Sebab, ini merupakan usaha makar kubu capres-cawapres nomor urut 2 tersebut.

"SBY agar bertindak tegas. Harus memerintahkan, menurunkan gambar 'Jokowi Presiden Terpilih'. Ini tidak boleh dibiarkan. Ini usaha makar," ujar adik kandung Ketum PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri itu.

Selain itu, Rachmawati kian sesumbar, bila spanduk itu tidak lekas diturunkan oleh rakyat. Maka itu, dia memberikan ultimatum. Dia bahkan menyebut ada intervensi pihak luar atas berbagai hal terkait Pilpres.

"Rakyat kita jangan 'ternina bobo' oleh intervensi asing. Bila ini foto tidak diturunkan 2x24 jam maka rakyat akan bertindak," tegasnya.
#PrabowoHatta , #satuINDONESIA , #INDONESIABANGKIT , #dukungboikotMETROtv­ , #syuradikaraende95fr­aternity , Website Resmi Kampanye #DukungPrabowoHatta untuk #SelamatkanIndonesia­ :


1. Introduction to Atomic Physics

Ketua Dewan Pertimbangan Partai NasDem Rachmawati Soekarnoputri memberikan sikap terhadap hasil Pilpres 2014. Dia mengaku resah banyaknya kecurangan dalam perhelatan pesta demokrasi ini.

Putri ketiga Presiden pertama RI Soekarno itu menjelaskan, sikap ini dilandasi lantaran banyak desakan dari berbagai pihak. Dirinya pun sesumbar segera membentuk gerakan atas persoalan ini bernama Front Pelopor.

"Saya ingin menjelaskan keinginan saya untuk menyatakan sebuah deklarasi atas nama pribadi dan adanya desakan dan permintaan dari berbagai kalangan untuk menyatakan sikap. Saya menyatakan sebagai anak bangsa yang independen. Tapi lebih dari itu, menyelamatkan hak bangsa dan negara. Proses pilpres banyaknya kecurangan yang diperlihatkan oleh anak bangsa dalam mengambil momentum kekuasan. Jadi perkenankan saya ingin deklarasikan Front Pelopor yang diambil sebagai pendiri Partai Pelopor," kata Rachmawati saat jumpa pers di kediamannya bilangan Pejaten, Jakarta, Kamis (31/7).

Pendiri Universitas Bung Karno (UBK) menambahkan, kegiatan yang akan dilakukan oleh gerakan tersebut, yakni mendesak Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) agar bertindak tegas terutama soal banyaknya spanduk bertuliskan 'Jokowi Presiden Terpilih'. Sebab, ini merupakan usaha makar kubu capres-cawapres nomor urut 2 tersebut.

"SBY agar bertindak tegas. Harus memerintahkan, menurunkan gambar 'Jokowi Presiden Terpilih'. Ini tidak boleh dibiarkan. Ini usaha makar," ujar adik kandung Ketum PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri itu.

Selain itu, Rachmawati kian sesumbar, bila spanduk itu tidak lekas diturunkan oleh rakyat. Maka itu, dia memberikan ultimatum. Dia bahkan menyebut ada intervensi pihak luar atas berbagai hal terkait Pilpres.

"Rakyat kita jangan 'ternina bobo' oleh intervensi asing. Bila ini foto tidak diturunkan 2x24 jam maka rakyat akan bertindak," tegasnya.
#PrabowoHatta , #satuINDONESIA , #INDONESIABANGKIT , #dukungboikotMETROtv­ , #syuradikaraende95fr­aternity , Website Resmi Kampanye #DukungPrabowoHatta untuk #SelamatkanIndonesia­ :


Wednesday, 30 July 2014

We Will Not Go Down (Gaza) - Michael Heart - OFFICIAL VIDEO

Bos Kompas: Katolik dan Cukong Wajib Dukung Jokowi


Post 23 Maret 2014
By Faizal Assegaf

kompas Jakob Oetama dan sinar Mas

cerita menarik yang beredar terbatas di kalangan petinggi Kompas
Gramedia Group. Tentang konspirasi di balik opini bentukan jaringan
media menghadapi pemilu 2014. Tentang "kolaborasi kotor" kelompok
misionaris Katolik, konglomerasi Tionghoa dan elit PDIP. Tentang
rekayasa pencitraan Jokowi - Ahok menggilas akal sehat publik.

penuh misteri itu berawal di akhir bulan Desember 2013. Orang - orang
berduit triliun rupiah yang kemudian dikenal dengan "cukong", berkumpul
bersama petinggi Kompas Gramedia Group, elite PDIP dan misionaris
Katolik. Atas nama kesamaan kepentingan ideologi, merumuskan sebuah
konspirasi jahat.

"Kita sudah berhasil membawa Jokowi - Ahok di
posisi jabatan strategis DKI Jakarta, kini selanjutnya mempermulus jalan
untuk memastikan Jokowi menjadi Presiden dan Ahok tampil memimpin
Jakarta." Sembari menegaskan: "Ini tahapan finalisasi untuk menguasai
Indonesia yang berpenduduk mayoritas muslim."

Dengan mengusung
tema liputan "Indonesia Satu", crew redaksi Kompas bergerak lincah
menyebarkan serangkaian isu dan opini penuh tipu muslihat ke ruang
publik. Sasaran mendongkrak popularitas Jokowi - Ahok dan menghembuskan
kebencian rakyat kepada elite dan partai non PDIP.

Hasilnya, dalam
kurun waktu yang tidak lama, Jokowi - Ahok diposisikan sebagai figur
fenomenal di panggung politik nasional jelang Pemilu 2014. Publik hampir
setiap hari disuguhi berbagai berita dari aneka lakon dua boneka yang
terus melenggang bebas mewakili ambisi cukong dan jaringan katolik.

mengabaikan visi, Jokowi - Ahok hadir bagai sinetron berdurasi tanpa
batas menyihir pembaca dan pemirsa. Mulai dari serangkaian kisah
blusukan Jokowi yang menguras anggaran miliaran rupiah dari APBD, hingga
celoteh penuh amarah tanpa etika diperankan secara membabi-buta oleh
Ahok. Mirip pertunjukan "topeng monyet", yang setiap gerak-geriknya
sudah terlatih dan sepenuhnya dikendali oleh dalang alias cukong.

Jejak Hitam

punya sejarah panjang dalam kongsi kepentingan dengan cukong. Media
utama milik kelompok Katolik ini, telah menjadi jaringan yang terus
menggurita. Di tahun 1998 - 1999, Kompas sukses mencitrakan pengaruh
Uskup Belo dalam pergolakkan politik paling spektakuler yang berujung
pada pelepasan Timor-Timur dari wilayah NKRI.

Uskup Belo
dikesankan bagai pahlawan kemanusiaan yang secara sporadis menyudutkan
ABRI (TNI) sebagai penjahat HAM dalam serangkaian kasus pembantaian
massal di Timor-Timur. Tudingan tanpa bukti itu, nyaris setiap hari
menghias halaman utama koran Kompas dan memicu intervensi kekuatan

Setelah setahun Timor-Timur lepas dari NKRI, publik
kemudian baru menyadari ternyata: Uskup Belo dan Kompas terlibat bermain
mata untuk memuluskan kepentingan cukong yang mengincar sumber kekayaan
minyak di Laut Timor. Dan untuk hajat busuk itu, maka jalan ekstrim
disintegrasi pun dimainkan.

Sangat menyedihkan, konspirasi Kompas
dan gereja Katolik yang dipimpin oleh Uskup Belo sukses menyulut api
kebencian di hati rakyat Timor-Timur. Di mana ratusan ribu warga
Indonesia yang sebagian besar berasal dari Pulau Jawa yang puluhan tahun
menetap di Timor-Timur menjadi sasaran perlakuan tidak manusiawi,
diusir dan ribuan dari mereka kehilangan nyawa serta harta bendanya.

berdarah lepasnya Timor-Timur (Timor Leste) dari wilayah Indonesia
adalah fakta sejarah yang tak terlupakan. Wilayah yang berpenduduk
mayoritas Katolik tersebut oleh Kompas sangat berkepentingan untuk
menjadikannya sebagai negara boneka dalam kendali Australia, Eropa dan

Timor Leste memiliki potensi sumber kekayaan alam dan
berada di zona strategis serta berdampingan dengan NTT yang berpenduduk
mayoritas Katolik. Dan oleh Australia, Timor Leste telah dijadikan
pangkalan militer yang setiap saat dapat memperluas pengaruhnya dengan
mencaplok kawasan di sekitarnya. Jalan kearah itu semakin terbuka lebar.
Dan lagi-lagi, Kompas menyembunyikan rencana licik itu dari perhatian

Bagaimana dengan Jokowi - Ahok...?

Kompas Gramedia
Group, cukong dan basis jaringan Katolik dengan mencolok tengah gencar
memainkan "disintegrasi politik" yang memporak-porandakan tatanan sosial
di negeri ini. Melalui penunggangan PDIP, Jokowi dipaksakan tampil
sebagai boneka mereka untuk dipersiapkan memimpin Indonesia lima tahun
ke depan.

Skenario busuk itu tidak lain bertujuan untuk memperluas
pengaruh Katolik dan cukong dalam penguasaan negara, sentra
ekonomi-keuangan dan sebagainya. Ambisi itu sangat nyata, dan secara
terbuka tokoh Katolik paling berpengaruh, Frans Maknis Suseno
menyampaikan pesan berupa ancaman: "Bila Jokowi tidak jadi presiden maka
Indonesia akan rusuh..."

Pernyataan misionaris Katolik Frans
Maknis Suseno, tidak berbeda dengan apa yang pernah dilontarkan oleh
Uskup Belo: "Lebih baik membawa mayoritas Katolik Timor-Timur lepas dari
NKRI dari pada bergabung dengan ummat Islam dalam kebhinekaan

Cara pandang para tokoh Katolik yang berkonsiprasi
dengan cukong, membuat banyak pihak bertanya: "Di mana sikap
nasionalisme Megawati dan politisi PDIP...?".

Hem, uang dan
kerakusan kekuasaan telah melunturkan spirit nasionalisme elite partai.
Masa depan rakyat di negeri ini tengah berjalan menuju jurang
kehancuran. Prihatin !

by Faizal Assegaf
Katolik Tidak Berafiliasi Dengan Ummat Islam…?


Post 19 Maret 2014
By faizal assegaf

da vinci code dan brown vb1

"Kalian punya partai politik, tapi kami menguasai jaringan media, sponsor keuangan dan akses lobi internasional."

pendek penuh makna itu secara tersirat menjadi spirit dan doktrin
gerakan politik misionaris Katolik di negeri ini. Dan terbukti, lebih
dari 40 tahun, kedigdayaan Katolik tumbuh dalam aneka industri media
massa dan jaringan bisnis percetakan: Kompas Gramedia Group.

sebagai agama peninggalan kolonial Belanda dan Portugal di Indonesia,
memiliki keunggulan dan kian menancapkan taringnya di berbagai sektor
strategis nasional. Namun menariknya, kekuatan yang demikian solid dan
sangat berpengaruh tersebut tidak banyak diketahui oleh publik.

bagi mereka yang telibat dalam dunia jurnalisme dan aktivis pergerakan,
sangat memahami secara mendalam serangkaian "permainan kotor" politik
para misionaris Katolik. Yakni, adanya "grand design" dari ambisi
terselubung ekstrimis Katolik untuk menguasai sentra-sentra kehidupan
bangsa dan negara.

Di permukaan lakon Katolik tampil sebagai agama
yang gencar menghembuskan isu humanisme, pluralisme, demokrasi, HAM dan
toleransi. Namun di balik semua pencitraan itu, berbagai jaringan
Katolik sangat agresif memporak-porandakan kehidupan rakyat.

saja, konspirasi elite Katolik terlihat mencolok dari peran media
Kompas dan gerakan ribuan relawan dari ratusan yayasan yang berada di
bawah kendali Kompas Gramedia Group, kian bergerak mendorong
"kebangkitan politik dalam penyatuan kepentingan syahwat cukong
(kapitalis) dan PDIP".

Persenyawaan dari perpaduan jaringan
Katolik, cukong dan PDIP tersebut, secara perlahan namun pasti, dengan
cepat mengantarkan Jokowi- Ahok sebagai produk politik paling mutakhir
dan penuh tipu muslihat di perhelatan pemilu 2014.

Realitas tak
elok itu sesungguhnya telah menjadi perbincangan serius yang hampir
merata di berbagai kalangan elite bangsa. Dan secara spesifik telah
memicu kesadaran kaum muda di pusat-pusat kajian dan komunitas aktivis
pergerakan. Yakni, memahami bahwa Jokowi-Ahok hadir tak sekedar mengisi
ruang demokrasi secara alami, namun memiliki tujuan mewakili kepentingan
terselubung Katolik, cukong dan PDIP.

Di era kekuasaan Megawati
saat menjabat selaku Presiden, sebenarnya praktek kejahatan penjualan
aset-aset negara dan skandal BLBI merupakan rangkaian fakta yang secara
mencolok melibatkan persekongkolan para cukong, elite Katolik dan PDIP.
Namun fakta korupsi tersebut berlalu tanpa adanya proses penegakkan

Konon dalam sebuah pertemuan terbatas, Jakob Oetama
memperlihatkan kegembiraannya dengan menegaskan bahwa, "kasus penjualan
aset-aset negara dan skandal BLBI yang tak tersentuh hukum, merupakan
keberhasilan dan kemenangan besar bagi para cukong, misionaris Katolik
dan elite PDIP."

Jakob Oetama adalah pendiri dan pemilik Kompas
Gramedia Group yang oleh para jema'at gereja dan aktivis Katolik, dengan
bangga menjulukinya sebagai "Uskup Pers" Indonesia. Sebuah jabatan
tertinggi dalam struktur industri media yang terbilang sukses memadukan
doktrin agama dan pragmatisme pers sebagai sarana bisnis, jaringan lobi
internasional serta corong perjuangan kepentingan ideologi.

sahabat, mantan jurnalis senior dari sebuah majalah terkemuka nasional,
melontarkan pertayaan kritisnya: "Mengapa misionaris Katolik dan para
cukong tidak ingin menjalin afiliasi dengan ummat Islam untuk membangun
dan memajukan kehidupan rakyat banyak...?".

Pertanyaan itu
mengingatkan kita pada ungkapan penuh kebencian dan sinisme dari tokoh
Katolik Timor Leste, Uskup Belo di akhir tahun 1998: "Lebih baik membawa
mayoritas Katolik Timor-Timur lepas dari NKRI dari pada bergabung
dengan ummat Islam dalam kebhinekaan Indonesia...".

Sikap Uskup
Belo, sang separatis Katolik Timor Leste itu, jelas sangat naif dan
masih terasa relevan sebagaimana tergambar di atas. Yakni, bila
konspirasi politik Katolik, cukong dan PDIP memaksakan kepentingan
kelompok dengan menafikan aspirasi rakyat banyak, maka tak mustahil,
negeri ini akan terjebak dalam gejolak berkepanjangan dan ancaman
disintegrasi di masa depan.

by Faizal Assegaf
#dukungboikotMETROtv­ , #syuradikaraende95fr­aternity , Website Resmi
Kampanye #DukungPrabowoHatta untuk #SelamatkanIndonesia­ :
www.SelamatkanIndone­ - HOME

Sergey Mavrodi The Truth the Government doesnt want you to know


Demi penuntasan sejumlah kasus KKN yang

disinyalir melibatkan Jokowi dan Megawati sebagaimana telah kami adukan

ke KPK sebagai berikut:

(1) Kasus tiga rekening gratifikasi

Jokowi. (2) Kasus korupsi 12,4 APBD Solo saat Jokowi menjabat selaku

Walikota. (3) Kasus Bus Trans Jakarta Jokowi senilai 1,5 triliun. (4)

Kasus rekening Jokowi di luar negeri senilai US$ 8 juta. (5). Kasus

Release and Discharge BLBI oleh Megawati Soekarnoputri.

Maka melalui kesempatan ini kami serukan kepada sahabat-sahabat pejuang

perubahan untuk bergabung dengan aktivis Progres 98 guna melakukan aksi

nginap di KPK, terhitung sejak:

Tanggal: Rabu malam 30 Juli, pukul 18.00 WIB hingga 21 hari ke depan, tempat Gedung KPK.

salam hormat

Faizal Assegaf
Ketua Progres

NB: Aksi ini dilakukan secara damai dan terbuka untuk umum. Berkenan untuk disebarkan ke seluruh

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Pesan Video Prabowo Subianto | 25 Juli 2014

 Bos Kompas: Katolik dan Cukong Wajib Dukung Jokowi


    Post 23 Maret 2014
    By Faizal Assegaf  

kompas Jakob Oetama dan sinar Mas

Ada cerita menarik yang beredar terbatas di kalangan petinggi Kompas Gramedia Group. Tentang konspirasi di balik opini bentukan jaringan media menghadapi pemilu 2014. Tentang "kolaborasi kotor" kelompok misionaris Katolik, konglomerasi Tionghoa dan elit PDIP. Tentang rekayasa pencitraan Jokowi - Ahok menggilas akal sehat publik.

Kisah penuh misteri itu berawal di akhir bulan Desember 2013. Orang - orang berduit triliun rupiah yang kemudian dikenal dengan "cukong", berkumpul bersama petinggi Kompas Gramedia Group, elite PDIP dan misionaris Katolik. Atas nama kesamaan kepentingan ideologi, merumuskan sebuah konspirasi jahat.

"Kita sudah berhasil membawa Jokowi - Ahok di posisi jabatan strategis DKI Jakarta, kini selanjutnya mempermulus jalan untuk memastikan Jokowi menjadi Presiden dan Ahok tampil memimpin Jakarta." Sembari menegaskan: "Ini tahapan finalisasi untuk menguasai Indonesia yang berpenduduk mayoritas muslim."

Dengan mengusung tema liputan "Indonesia Satu", crew redaksi Kompas bergerak lincah menyebarkan serangkaian isu dan opini penuh tipu muslihat ke ruang publik. Sasaran mendongkrak popularitas Jokowi - Ahok dan menghembuskan kebencian rakyat kepada elite dan partai non PDIP.

Hasilnya, dalam kurun waktu yang tidak lama, Jokowi - Ahok diposisikan sebagai figur fenomenal di panggung politik nasional jelang Pemilu 2014. Publik hampir setiap hari disuguhi berbagai berita dari aneka lakon dua boneka yang terus melenggang bebas mewakili ambisi cukong dan jaringan katolik.

Dengan mengabaikan visi, Jokowi - Ahok hadir bagai sinetron berdurasi tanpa batas menyihir pembaca dan pemirsa. Mulai dari serangkaian kisah blusukan Jokowi yang menguras anggaran miliaran rupiah dari APBD, hingga celoteh penuh amarah tanpa etika diperankan secara membabi-buta oleh Ahok. Mirip pertunjukan "topeng monyet", yang setiap gerak-geriknya sudah terlatih dan sepenuhnya dikendali oleh dalang alias cukong.

Jejak Hitam

Kompas punya sejarah panjang dalam kongsi kepentingan dengan cukong. Media utama milik kelompok Katolik ini, telah menjadi jaringan yang terus menggurita. Di tahun 1998 - 1999, Kompas sukses mencitrakan pengaruh Uskup Belo dalam pergolakkan politik paling spektakuler yang berujung pada pelepasan Timor-Timur dari wilayah NKRI.

Uskup Belo dikesankan bagai pahlawan kemanusiaan yang secara sporadis menyudutkan ABRI (TNI) sebagai penjahat HAM dalam serangkaian kasus pembantaian massal di Timor-Timur. Tudingan tanpa bukti itu, nyaris setiap hari menghias halaman utama koran Kompas dan memicu intervensi kekuatan asing.

Setelah setahun Timor-Timur lepas dari NKRI, publik kemudian baru menyadari ternyata: Uskup Belo dan Kompas terlibat bermain mata untuk memuluskan kepentingan cukong yang mengincar sumber kekayaan minyak di Laut Timor. Dan untuk hajat busuk itu, maka jalan ekstrim disintegrasi pun dimainkan.

Sangat menyedihkan, konspirasi Kompas dan gereja Katolik yang dipimpin oleh Uskup Belo sukses menyulut api kebencian di hati rakyat Timor-Timur. Di mana ratusan ribu warga Indonesia yang sebagian besar berasal dari Pulau Jawa yang puluhan tahun menetap di Timor-Timur menjadi sasaran perlakuan tidak manusiawi, diusir dan ribuan dari mereka kehilangan nyawa serta harta bendanya.

Tragedi berdarah lepasnya Timor-Timur (Timor Leste) dari wilayah Indonesia adalah fakta sejarah yang tak terlupakan. Wilayah yang berpenduduk mayoritas Katolik tersebut oleh Kompas sangat berkepentingan untuk menjadikannya sebagai negara boneka dalam kendali Australia, Eropa dan Amerika.

Timor Leste memiliki potensi sumber kekayaan alam dan berada di zona strategis serta berdampingan dengan NTT yang berpenduduk mayoritas Katolik. Dan oleh Australia, Timor Leste telah dijadikan pangkalan militer yang setiap saat dapat memperluas pengaruhnya dengan mencaplok kawasan di sekitarnya. Jalan kearah itu semakin terbuka lebar. Dan lagi-lagi, Kompas menyembunyikan rencana licik itu dari perhatian publik.

Bagaimana dengan Jokowi - Ahok...?

Kompas Gramedia Group, cukong dan basis jaringan Katolik dengan mencolok tengah gencar memainkan "disintegrasi politik" yang memporak-porandakan tatanan sosial di negeri ini. Melalui penunggangan PDIP, Jokowi dipaksakan tampil sebagai boneka mereka untuk dipersiapkan memimpin Indonesia lima tahun ke depan.

Skenario busuk itu tidak lain bertujuan untuk memperluas pengaruh Katolik dan cukong dalam penguasaan negara, sentra ekonomi-keuangan dan sebagainya. Ambisi itu sangat nyata, dan secara terbuka tokoh Katolik paling berpengaruh, Frans Maknis Suseno menyampaikan pesan berupa ancaman: "Bila Jokowi tidak jadi presiden maka Indonesia akan rusuh..."

Pernyataan misionaris Katolik Frans Maknis Suseno, tidak berbeda dengan apa yang pernah dilontarkan oleh Uskup Belo: "Lebih baik membawa mayoritas Katolik Timor-Timur lepas dari NKRI dari pada bergabung dengan ummat Islam dalam kebhinekaan Indonesia..."

Cara pandang para tokoh Katolik yang berkonsiprasi dengan cukong, membuat banyak pihak bertanya: "Di mana sikap nasionalisme Megawati dan politisi PDIP...?".

Hem, uang dan kerakusan kekuasaan telah melunturkan spirit nasionalisme elite partai. Masa depan rakyat di negeri ini tengah berjalan menuju jurang kehancuran. Prihatin !

by Faizal Assegaf
 Katolik Tidak Berafiliasi Dengan Ummat Islam…?


    Post 19 Maret 2014
    By faizal assegaf  

da vinci code dan brown vb1

"Kalian punya partai politik, tapi kami menguasai jaringan media, sponsor keuangan dan akses lobi internasional."

Kalimat pendek penuh makna itu secara tersirat menjadi spirit dan doktrin gerakan politik misionaris Katolik di negeri ini. Dan terbukti, lebih dari 40 tahun, kedigdayaan Katolik tumbuh dalam aneka industri media massa dan jaringan bisnis percetakan: Kompas Gramedia Group.

Katolik sebagai agama peninggalan kolonial Belanda dan Portugal di Indonesia, memiliki keunggulan dan kian menancapkan taringnya di berbagai sektor strategis nasional. Namun menariknya, kekuatan yang demikian solid dan sangat berpengaruh tersebut tidak banyak diketahui oleh publik.

Tetapi bagi mereka yang telibat dalam dunia jurnalisme dan aktivis pergerakan, sangat memahami secara mendalam serangkaian "permainan kotor" politik para misionaris Katolik. Yakni, adanya "grand design" dari ambisi terselubung ekstrimis Katolik untuk menguasai sentra-sentra kehidupan bangsa dan negara.

Di permukaan lakon Katolik tampil sebagai agama yang gencar menghembuskan isu humanisme, pluralisme, demokrasi, HAM dan toleransi. Namun di balik semua pencitraan itu, berbagai jaringan Katolik sangat agresif memporak-porandakan kehidupan rakyat.

Sebut saja, konspirasi elite Katolik terlihat mencolok dari peran media Kompas dan gerakan ribuan relawan dari ratusan yayasan yang berada di bawah kendali Kompas Gramedia Group, kian bergerak mendorong "kebangkitan politik dalam penyatuan kepentingan syahwat cukong (kapitalis) dan PDIP".

Persenyawaan dari perpaduan jaringan Katolik, cukong dan PDIP tersebut, secara perlahan namun pasti, dengan cepat mengantarkan Jokowi- Ahok sebagai produk politik paling mutakhir dan penuh tipu muslihat di perhelatan pemilu 2014.

Realitas tak elok itu sesungguhnya telah menjadi perbincangan serius yang hampir merata di berbagai kalangan elite bangsa. Dan secara spesifik telah memicu kesadaran kaum muda di pusat-pusat kajian dan komunitas aktivis pergerakan. Yakni, memahami bahwa Jokowi-Ahok hadir tak sekedar mengisi ruang demokrasi secara alami, namun memiliki tujuan mewakili kepentingan terselubung Katolik, cukong dan PDIP.

Di era kekuasaan Megawati saat menjabat selaku Presiden, sebenarnya praktek kejahatan penjualan aset-aset negara dan skandal BLBI merupakan rangkaian fakta yang secara mencolok melibatkan persekongkolan para cukong, elite Katolik dan PDIP. Namun fakta korupsi tersebut berlalu tanpa adanya proses penegakkan hukum.

Konon dalam sebuah pertemuan terbatas, Jakob Oetama memperlihatkan kegembiraannya dengan menegaskan bahwa, "kasus penjualan aset-aset negara dan skandal BLBI yang tak tersentuh hukum, merupakan keberhasilan dan kemenangan besar bagi para cukong, misionaris Katolik dan elite PDIP."

Jakob Oetama adalah pendiri dan pemilik Kompas Gramedia Group yang oleh para jema'at gereja dan aktivis Katolik, dengan bangga menjulukinya sebagai "Uskup Pers" Indonesia. Sebuah jabatan tertinggi dalam struktur industri media yang terbilang sukses memadukan doktrin agama dan pragmatisme pers sebagai sarana bisnis, jaringan lobi internasional serta corong perjuangan kepentingan ideologi.

Seorang sahabat, mantan jurnalis senior dari sebuah majalah terkemuka nasional, melontarkan pertayaan kritisnya: "Mengapa misionaris Katolik dan para cukong tidak ingin menjalin afiliasi dengan ummat Islam untuk membangun dan memajukan kehidupan rakyat banyak...?".

Pertanyaan itu mengingatkan kita pada ungkapan penuh kebencian dan sinisme dari tokoh Katolik Timor Leste, Uskup Belo di akhir tahun 1998: "Lebih baik membawa mayoritas Katolik Timor-Timur lepas dari NKRI dari pada bergabung dengan ummat Islam dalam kebhinekaan Indonesia...".

Sikap Uskup Belo, sang separatis Katolik Timor Leste itu, jelas sangat naif dan masih terasa relevan sebagaimana tergambar di atas. Yakni, bila konspirasi politik Katolik, cukong dan PDIP memaksakan kepentingan kelompok dengan menafikan aspirasi rakyat banyak, maka tak mustahil, negeri ini akan terjebak dalam gejolak berkepanjangan dan ancaman disintegrasi di masa depan.

by Faizal Assegaf

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Iwan Fals - Bongkar (Live)

Introduce. My name is A. Without a last name.

I was born in Indonesia. As a CEH, my profession of computer network security consultant.

This new year I follow the news and to vote in the Presidential elections Indonesia.

Today July 23 2014 I read the various posts. Many ask: Is the presidential election took place in 2014 with honest and fair?

I may have the answer. Possible. My writing may answer the question. May also even open many new questions.

However earlier apologies. I am not a writer. We are sorry if my language is not good. I'm trying to make a short and effective.

This paper is aimed to those of you who are curious.

Also to elect a presidential candidate, Jokowi pack. In order for IT systems later in 2019 elections could be better than now. So that no more that cried foul.

Also for a presidential candidate is not elected, Mr. Prabowo. Because you must be curious. Also for president now, sir SBY. Who knows, the father was also curious.

Also to the designers and IT systems admin election 2014: Raden Santoso, Nana Indra, Utian Ayuba, Andy Nugroho, Yoga Dahirsa, Muhammad Hafidz et al.

Of course, also to the members of the Commission: Husni Kamil Malik, Kurnia Rizkiyansyah Ferry, Ida Budhiati, Sugit Pamungkas et al.

Consider it my contribution. For shared learning materials. That Indonesia is safer. Indonesia great. Indonesia rose.

7 April 2014

On 7 April 2014, I noticed a fascinating phenomenon.

Hackers and crackers also have the right to vote. Had political rights. Also have the right to campaign to support the number one or number two.

So great was the spirit of the hackers and crackers in the 2014 Presidential Election. Most of the second support. Although there is also the number one support.

This is my conclusion after seeing so many candidate ads on Google and YouTube. Ads are fine. Advertising also fine.

Though there can be no presidential ads on both sites. Google prohibits political advertising in Indonesia. In any form. But ...

They must realize the power of Google in limited ad filtering and blocking. This vulnerability is exploited.

There are also so excited, a lot of people hacked the site, converted into pages for promotion or disfigure that not supported.

They are trying to influence perception. Perceptions affect the results.

Their efforts make me ask. In addition to disseminating information to influence perception, what else can they do?

Get hackers and crackers sympathizers hacked into IT systems KPU candidates? And directly affect the outcome? I tried it.

Security Gap # 1: Email the Commission Members

To understand how the Commission IT systems from the information I need. I started looking for email addresses of members of the Commission.

I found this document all email addresses are active KPU commissioner used in this document. Six of seven using a free email.

I'm so ask. Organize elections not work playfulness. Why use a free email that is easily hacked? What might be intentional?

Ferry seems Kurnia is the youngest of the seven members of the Commission. Usually the youngest was the most involved IT affairs.

I send a phishing email to the Ferry. Less than two hours, I was able to access and read all the emails I have ever received and sent.

What I found made ​​me confused. I am sure the members of the Commission, and the Commission IT system designers not just anybody.

But they like to make everything so easy for a man like me has no intention to get into the IT system KPU.

Security Gap # 2: send Username and Password in Email

The first thing I did when opening the mail box one member of the Commission is looking for the word "password". I was surprised.

I can direct to SILOG password. Logistics System.

I also can password used Dropbox to store copies of data for the entire Indonesian voters.

Password to the system can also count Commission estate. Ya. It turns out that the Commission has a system that somehow the real count is not shown on the website so that the public should count themselves as website.

Can also manage passwords for the Commission's website. Can also password for SIDALIH, voter data system. Can also passwords for many other systems.

It also makes me confused. Granted various passwords sent by the admin via email. Is a hacker wants to make it easier to enter the system?

Note: Many passwords are still used in this screenshot ... It makes me so ... Sorry if it's hidden so curious.

Security Gap # 3: There's Google Docs Username and Password

My surprise. Email this really beyond logic and way of thinking. I found an email sent by the IT system admin to all members of the KPU KPU. GOOGLE DOCS contents with a list of all passwords Commission IT systems.

I became really suspicious, administrators and members of the Commission did want to facilitate the hackers and crackers to break into the IT system of the Commission.

Moreover ...

Security Gap # 4: Easy Password Predictable Pattern

For example, this SSH password to KPU website I've ever used: 4dm1n80njol @ w1w1k. Username: kpuadmin.

Password root shell / MySQL: m3rd3k41945!

Many IT system password Commission using the same pattern. Is so easy to remember ... Or to be easily hacked. Sorry if I think that is a no-no, because I was trained to look at patterns.

Security Gap # 5: All Commission Members Can Edit List of Voters at will

This is the Voter Data System (SIDALIH) KPU. With this system the Commission set names entered Voters List (DPS) and the voters list (DPT).
Addition or subtraction of the names of voters can be done from this system. This is crucial because in Indonesian armed with enough voters can choose invitations without needing ID cards.
I am a layman. But a big question for me. If you want safe: Why all the members of the Commission DPT can edit at will? Why is access granted by the admin not only read only?
Edit right decision is, of course deliberate decision, not likely an accident, give very great authority for each member of the Commission to play with the number of voters. Reduce or add.
It could be if there is communication with the members of the Commission that a presidential candidate's campaign team, or if there is a hacker or cracker supporters of presidential candidate coming into the system like me ... It could add or subtract new voters ... voters in certain areas .
Those who can not choose, be given the right to vote. They are known to pick a particular candidate, could revoked their right to vote ... With easy. It's easy.
Moreover, for every entry ... No info or log publicly, who is last to edit let alone edit history.
Cracks were happy ... For those who have good intentions.
Security Gap # 6: All Commission Members Can Edit Sound Amount Paper Delivery at will
Logistics System (SILOG) KPU. With this system the Commission governing the distribution of ballots to all regions / TPS. Addition or subtraction delivery ballots can be made ​​from this system.
My question is about the same as SIDALIH SILOG.
I am a layman. But a big question for me. If you want safe: Why all the members of the Commission can edit logistics such election ballots at will? Why is access granted by the admin not only read only?
Sorry if this is like a repeat. This decision, of course, a deliberate decision, not likely an accident, give very great authority for each member of the Commission to play with the number of ballots.
It could be if there is communication with the members of the Commission that a presidential candidate's campaign team, or if there is a hacker or cracker supporters of presidential candidate coming into the system like me ... It could send more ballots to certain areas. It's easy.
Moreover, as in SIDALIH ... For every entry ... No info or log publicly, who is last to edit let alone edit history.
Appreciation: System Scan Form C1
In making this post, I feel I have to be fair. If there is a security hole, I have to say. If there is a best practice that is done, my appreciation.
C1 form a system scan made ​​by the Commission team I think is very good. Application interface design is simple, not a lot of stuffing. It certainly helps boost system utilization.
Presentation C1 on the web also good. Simple and easy to use by anyone.

C1 Management makes the perception that the election fair and square. Hardly likely to affect the results of the election if the scan C1've collected all of the servers Commission.

But I have a question. The question is quite large. Admin make a real count applications, specifically for the members of the Commission at the address - why this data is not opened to the public?

Why force the public to conduct mutual cooperation of hundreds of thousands of data entry form C1? Though it has no real count ...

Just a question just after it. There may be self-assessment ...

Back to the original question: Is the 2014 Presidential Election took place with honest and fair?
I do not know. Too many areas, too many polls, too many voters to be able to know the name of the game with SILOG or SIDALIH.
But two things are certain. First: Anyone who can have access to SILOG and SIDALIH and have no intention of winning candidate number one or number two, especially before the month of May 2014, and had the ability to coordinate with a successful team on the field (TPS TPS, where the villages that need to be exceeded ballots ... the names of what needs to be added or subtracted from the system) can greatly affect the outcome of the presidential election in 2014.
Second: Not at all difficult to access all IT systems KPU. In fact I suspect ... As is made so easy for hackers and crackers who want to enter. What is it?
Hopefully not see why. Hopefully the security gaps that I write here ... It is a mistake that was not intentional.
Because anyone who has access to the IT system the Commission ... may affect who is elected President.
The President has the power to 250 million population country. 2,000 trillion budget. 600,000 soldiers. The velocity of money is almost 10,000 trillion.
Because if it was intentional ...
It's easy ... It could be hundreds ... thousands ... probably millions of voters "new". Creations of those who have access to SIDALIH.
It could also be hundreds ... thousands ... probably millions of ballots were "more coincidence". Creations of those who have access to SILOG.
Sorry if this post so raises new questions.
Thus my writing. Hopefully this is helpful.
Footnote: I'm a hacker. Not a cracker. I do this out of curiosity audit. Not because there are no good intentions.
However, Indonesian law does not distinguish. To avoid the possibility of criminal ... I wish to REMAIN anonymous.
Source: Audit-Commission
Original Title: IT System Security Audit Commission 2014 presidential election

Iwan Fals - Bongkar (Live)

Introduce. My name is A. Without a last name.

I was born in Indonesia. As a CEH, my profession of computer network security consultant.

This new year I follow the news and to vote in the Presidential elections Indonesia.

Today July 23 2014 I read the various posts. Many ask: Is the presidential election took place in 2014 with honest and fair?

I may have the answer. Possible. My writing may answer the question. May also even open many new questions.

However earlier apologies. I am not a writer. We are sorry if my language is not good. I'm trying to make a short and effective.

This paper is aimed to those of you who are curious.

Also to elect a presidential candidate, Jokowi pack. In order for IT systems later in 2019 elections could be better than now. So that no more that cried foul.

Also for a presidential candidate is not elected, Mr. Prabowo. Because you must be curious. Also for president now, sir SBY. Who knows, the father was also curious.

Also to the designers and IT systems admin election 2014: Raden Santoso, Nana Indra, Utian Ayuba, Andy Nugroho, Yoga Dahirsa, Muhammad Hafidz et al.

Of course, also to the members of the Commission: Husni Kamil Malik, Kurnia Rizkiyansyah Ferry, Ida Budhiati, Sugit Pamungkas et al.

Consider it my contribution. For shared learning materials. That Indonesia is safer. Indonesia great. Indonesia rose.

7 April 2014

On 7 April 2014, I noticed a fascinating phenomenon.

Hackers and crackers also have the right to vote. Had political rights. Also have the right to campaign to support the number one or number two.

So great was the spirit of the hackers and crackers in the 2014 Presidential Election. Most of the second support. Although there is also the number one support.

This is my conclusion after seeing so many candidate ads on Google and YouTube. Ads are fine. Advertising also fine.

Though there can be no presidential ads on both sites. Google prohibits political advertising in Indonesia. In any form. But ...

They must realize the power of Google in limited ad filtering and blocking. This vulnerability is exploited.

There are also so excited, a lot of people hacked the site, converted into pages for promotion or disfigure that not supported.

They are trying to influence perception. Perceptions affect the results.

Their efforts make me ask. In addition to disseminating information to influence perception, what else can they do?

Get hackers and crackers sympathizers hacked into IT systems KPU candidates? And directly affect the outcome? I tried it.

Security Gap # 1: Email the Commission Members

To understand how the Commission IT systems from the information I need. I started looking for email addresses of members of the Commission.

I found this document all email addresses are active KPU commissioner used in this document. Six of seven using a free email.

I'm so ask. Organize elections not work playfulness. Why use a free email that is easily hacked? What might be intentional?

Ferry seems Kurnia is the youngest of the seven members of the Commission. Usually the youngest was the most involved IT affairs.

I send a phishing email to the Ferry. Less than two hours, I was able to access and read all the emails I have ever received and sent.

What I found made ​​me confused. I am sure the members of the Commission, and the Commission IT system designers not just anybody.

But they like to make everything so easy for a man like me has no intention to get into the IT system KPU.

Security Gap # 2: send Username and Password in Email

The first thing I did when opening the mail box one member of the Commission is looking for the word "password". I was surprised.

I can direct to SILOG password. Logistics System.

I also can password used Dropbox to store copies of data for the entire Indonesian voters.

Password to the system can also count Commission estate. Ya. It turns out that the Commission has a system that somehow the real count is not shown on the website so that the public should count themselves as website.

Can also manage passwords for the Commission's website. Can also password for SIDALIH, voter data system. Can also passwords for many other systems.

It also makes me confused. Granted various passwords sent by the admin via email. Is a hacker wants to make it easier to enter the system?

Note: Many passwords are still used in this screenshot ... It makes me so ... Sorry if it's hidden so curious.

Security Gap # 3: There's Google Docs Username and Password

My surprise. Email this really beyond logic and way of thinking. I found an email sent by the IT system admin to all members of the KPU KPU. GOOGLE DOCS contents with a list of all passwords Commission IT systems.

I became really suspicious, administrators and members of the Commission did want to facilitate the hackers and crackers to break into the IT system of the Commission.

Moreover ...

Security Gap # 4: Easy Password Predictable Pattern

For example, this SSH password to KPU website I've ever used: 4dm1n80njol @ w1w1k. Username: kpuadmin.

Password root shell / MySQL: m3rd3k41945!

Many IT system password Commission using the same pattern. Is so easy to remember ... Or to be easily hacked. Sorry if I think that is a no-no, because I was trained to look at patterns.

Security Gap # 5: All Commission Members Can Edit List of Voters at will

This is the Voter Data System (SIDALIH) KPU. With this system the Commission set names entered Voters List (DPS) and the voters list (DPT).
Addition or subtraction of the names of voters can be done from this system. This is crucial because in Indonesian armed with enough voters can choose invitations without needing ID cards.
I am a layman. But a big question for me. If you want safe: Why all the members of the Commission DPT can edit at will? Why is access granted by the admin not only read only?
Edit right decision is, of course deliberate decision, not likely an accident, give very great authority for each member of the Commission to play with the number of voters. Reduce or add.
It could be if there is communication with the members of the Commission that a presidential candidate's campaign team, or if there is a hacker or cracker supporters of presidential candidate coming into the system like me ... It could add or subtract new voters ... voters in certain areas .
Those who can not choose, be given the right to vote. They are known to pick a particular candidate, could revoked their right to vote ... With easy. It's easy.
Moreover, for every entry ... No info or log publicly, who is last to edit let alone edit history.
Cracks were happy ... For those who have good intentions.
Security Gap # 6: All Commission Members Can Edit Sound Amount Paper Delivery at will
Logistics System (SILOG) KPU. With this system the Commission governing the distribution of ballots to all regions / TPS. Addition or subtraction delivery ballots can be made ​​from this system.
My question is about the same as SIDALIH SILOG.
I am a layman. But a big question for me. If you want safe: Why all the members of the Commission can edit logistics such election ballots at will? Why is access granted by the admin not only read only?
Sorry if this is like a repeat. This decision, of course, a deliberate decision, not likely an accident, give very great authority for each member of the Commission to play with the number of ballots.
It could be if there is communication with the members of the Commission that a presidential candidate's campaign team, or if there is a hacker or cracker supporters of presidential candidate coming into the system like me ... It could send more ballots to certain areas. It's easy.
Moreover, as in SIDALIH ... For every entry ... No info or log publicly, who is last to edit let alone edit history.
Appreciation: System Scan Form C1
In making this post, I feel I have to be fair. If there is a security hole, I have to say. If there is a best practice that is done, my appreciation.
C1 form a system scan made ​​by the Commission team I think is very good. Application interface design is simple, not a lot of stuffing. It certainly helps boost system utilization.
Presentation C1 on the web also good. Simple and easy to use by anyone.

C1 Management makes the perception that the election fair and square. Hardly likely to affect the results of the election if the scan C1've collected all of the servers Commission.

But I have a question. The question is quite large. Admin make a real count applications, specifically for the members of the Commission at the address - why this data is not opened to the public?

Why force the public to conduct mutual cooperation of hundreds of thousands of data entry form C1? Though it has no real count ...

Just a question just after it. There may be self-assessment ...

Back to the original question: Is the 2014 Presidential Election took place with honest and fair?
I do not know. Too many areas, too many polls, too many voters to be able to know the name of the game with SILOG or SIDALIH.
But two things are certain. First: Anyone who can have access to SILOG and SIDALIH and have no intention of winning candidate number one or number two, especially before the month of May 2014, and had the ability to coordinate with a successful team on the field (TPS TPS, where the villages that need to be exceeded ballots ... the names of what needs to be added or subtracted from the system) can greatly affect the outcome of the presidential election in 2014.
Second: Not at all difficult to access all IT systems KPU. In fact I suspect ... As is made so easy for hackers and crackers who want to enter. What is it?
Hopefully not see why. Hopefully the security gaps that I write here ... It is a mistake that was not intentional.
Because anyone who has access to the IT system the Commission ... may affect who is elected President.
The President has the power to 250 million population country. 2,000 trillion budget. 600,000 soldiers. The velocity of money is almost 10,000 trillion.
Because if it was intentional ...
It's easy ... It could be hundreds ... thousands ... probably millions of voters "new". Creations of those who have access to SIDALIH.
It could also be hundreds ... thousands ... probably millions of ballots were "more coincidence". Creations of those who have access to SILOG.
Sorry if this post so raises new questions.
Thus my writing. Hopefully this is helpful.
Footnote: I'm a hacker. Not a cracker. I do this out of curiosity audit. Not because there are no good intentions.
However, Indonesian law does not distinguish. To avoid the possibility of criminal ... I wish to REMAIN anonymous.
Source: Audit-Commission
Original Title: IT System Security Audit Commission 2014 presidential election

Iwan Fals - Bongkar (Live)

Introduce. My name is A. Without a last name.

I was born in Indonesia. As a CEH, my profession of computer network security consultant.

This new year I follow the news and to vote in the Presidential elections Indonesia.

Today July 23 2014 I read the various posts. Many ask: Is the presidential election took place in 2014 with honest and fair?

I may have the answer. Possible. My writing may answer the question. May also even open many new questions.

However earlier apologies. I am not a writer. We are sorry if my language is not good. I'm trying to make a short and effective.

This paper is aimed to those of you who are curious.

Also to elect a presidential candidate, Jokowi pack. In order for IT systems later in 2019 elections could be better than now. So that no more that cried foul.

Also for a presidential candidate is not elected, Mr. Prabowo. Because you must be curious. Also for president now, sir SBY. Who knows, the father was also curious.

Also to the designers and IT systems admin election 2014: Raden Santoso, Nana Indra, Utian Ayuba, Andy Nugroho, Yoga Dahirsa, Muhammad Hafidz et al.

Of course, also to the members of the Commission: Husni Kamil Malik, Kurnia Rizkiyansyah Ferry, Ida Budhiati, Sugit Pamungkas et al.

Consider it my contribution. For shared learning materials. That Indonesia is safer. Indonesia great. Indonesia rose.

7 April 2014

On 7 April 2014, I noticed a fascinating phenomenon.

Hackers and crackers also have the right to vote. Had political rights. Also have the right to campaign to support the number one or number two.

So great was the spirit of the hackers and crackers in the 2014 Presidential Election. Most of the second support. Although there is also the number one support.

This is my conclusion after seeing so many candidate ads on Google and YouTube. Ads are fine. Advertising also fine.

Though there can be no presidential ads on both sites. Google prohibits political advertising in Indonesia. In any form. But ...

They must realize the power of Google in limited ad filtering and blocking. This vulnerability is exploited.

There are also so excited, a lot of people hacked the site, converted into pages for promotion or disfigure that not supported.

They are trying to influence perception. Perceptions affect the results.

Their efforts make me ask. In addition to disseminating information to influence perception, what else can they do?

Get hackers and crackers sympathizers hacked into IT systems KPU candidates? And directly affect the outcome? I tried it.

Security Gap # 1: Email the Commission Members

To understand how the Commission IT systems from the information I need. I started looking for email addresses of members of the Commission.

I found this document all email addresses are active KPU commissioner used in this document. Six of seven using a free email.

I'm so ask. Organize elections not work playfulness. Why use a free email that is easily hacked? What might be intentional?

Ferry seems Kurnia is the youngest of the seven members of the Commission. Usually the youngest was the most involved IT affairs.

I send a phishing email to the Ferry. Less than two hours, I was able to access and read all the emails I have ever received and sent.

What I found made ​​me confused. I am sure the members of the Commission, and the Commission IT system designers not just anybody.

But they like to make everything so easy for a man like me has no intention to get into the IT system KPU.

Security Gap # 2: send Username and Password in Email

The first thing I did when opening the mail box one member of the Commission is looking for the word "password". I was surprised.

I can direct to SILOG password. Logistics System.

I also can password used Dropbox to store copies of data for the entire Indonesian voters.

Password to the system can also count Commission estate. Ya. It turns out that the Commission has a system that somehow the real count is not shown on the website so that the public should count themselves as website.

Can also manage passwords for the Commission's website. Can also password for SIDALIH, voter data system. Can also passwords for many other systems.

It also makes me confused. Granted various passwords sent by the admin via email. Is a hacker wants to make it easier to enter the system?

Note: Many passwords are still used in this screenshot ... It makes me so ... Sorry if it's hidden so curious.

Security Gap # 3: There's Google Docs Username and Password

My surprise. Email this really beyond logic and way of thinking. I found an email sent by the IT system admin to all members of the KPU KPU. GOOGLE DOCS contents with a list of all passwords Commission IT systems.

I became really suspicious, administrators and members of the Commission did want to facilitate the hackers and crackers to break into the IT system of the Commission.

Moreover ...

Security Gap # 4: Easy Password Predictable Pattern

For example, this SSH password to KPU website I've ever used: 4dm1n80njol @ w1w1k. Username: kpuadmin.

Password root shell / MySQL: m3rd3k41945!

Many IT system password Commission using the same pattern. Is so easy to remember ... Or to be easily hacked. Sorry if I think that is a no-no, because I was trained to look at patterns.

Security Gap # 5: All Commission Members Can Edit List of Voters at will

This is the Voter Data System (SIDALIH) KPU. With this system the Commission set names entered Voters List (DPS) and the voters list (DPT).
Addition or subtraction of the names of voters can be done from this system. This is crucial because in Indonesian armed with enough voters can choose invitations without needing ID cards.
I am a layman. But a big question for me. If you want safe: Why all the members of the Commission DPT can edit at will? Why is access granted by the admin not only read only?
Edit right decision is, of course deliberate decision, not likely an accident, give very great authority for each member of the Commission to play with the number of voters. Reduce or add.
It could be if there is communication with the members of the Commission that a presidential candidate's campaign team, or if there is a hacker or cracker supporters of presidential candidate coming into the system like me ... It could add or subtract new voters ... voters in certain areas .
Those who can not choose, be given the right to vote. They are known to pick a particular candidate, could revoked their right to vote ... With easy. It's easy.
Moreover, for every entry ... No info or log publicly, who is last to edit let alone edit history.
Cracks were happy ... For those who have good intentions.
Security Gap # 6: All Commission Members Can Edit Sound Amount Paper Delivery at will
Logistics System (SILOG) KPU. With this system the Commission governing the distribution of ballots to all regions / TPS. Addition or subtraction delivery ballots can be made ​​from this system.
My question is about the same as SIDALIH SILOG.
I am a layman. But a big question for me. If you want safe: Why all the members of the Commission can edit logistics such election ballots at will? Why is access granted by the admin not only read only?
Sorry if this is like a repeat. This decision, of course, a deliberate decision, not likely an accident, give very great authority for each member of the Commission to play with the number of ballots.
It could be if there is communication with the members of the Commission that a presidential candidate's campaign team, or if there is a hacker or cracker supporters of presidential candidate coming into the system like me ... It could send more ballots to certain areas. It's easy.
Moreover, as in SIDALIH ... For every entry ... No info or log publicly, who is last to edit let alone edit history.
Appreciation: System Scan Form C1
In making this post, I feel I have to be fair. If there is a security hole, I have to say. If there is a best practice that is done, my appreciation.
C1 form a system scan made ​​by the Commission team I think is very good. Application interface design is simple, not a lot of stuffing. It certainly helps boost system utilization.
Presentation C1 on the web also good. Simple and easy to use by anyone.

C1 Management makes the perception that the election fair and square. Hardly likely to affect the results of the election if the scan C1've collected all of the servers Commission.

But I have a question. The question is quite large. Admin make a real count applications, specifically for the members of the Commission at the address - why this data is not opened to the public?

Why force the public to conduct mutual cooperation of hundreds of thousands of data entry form C1? Though it has no real count ...

Just a question just after it. There may be self-assessment ...

Back to the original question: Is the 2014 Presidential Election took place with honest and fair?
I do not know. Too many areas, too many polls, too many voters to be able to know the name of the game with SILOG or SIDALIH.
But two things are certain. First: Anyone who can have access to SILOG and SIDALIH and have no intention of winning candidate number one or number two, especially before the month of May 2014, and had the ability to coordinate with a successful team on the field (TPS TPS, where the villages that need to be exceeded ballots ... the names of what needs to be added or subtracted from the system) can greatly affect the outcome of the presidential election in 2014.
Second: Not at all difficult to access all IT systems KPU. In fact I suspect ... As is made so easy for hackers and crackers who want to enter. What is it?
Hopefully not see why. Hopefully the security gaps that I write here ... It is a mistake that was not intentional.
Because anyone who has access to the IT system the Commission ... may affect who is elected President.
The President has the power to 250 million population country. 2,000 trillion budget. 600,000 soldiers. The velocity of money is almost 10,000 trillion.
Because if it was intentional ...
It's easy ... It could be hundreds ... thousands ... probably millions of voters "new". Creations of those who have access to SIDALIH.
It could also be hundreds ... thousands ... probably millions of ballots were "more coincidence". Creations of those who have access to SILOG.
Sorry if this post so raises new questions.
Thus my writing. Hopefully this is helpful.
Footnote: I'm a hacker. Not a cracker. I do this out of curiosity audit. Not because there are no good intentions.
However, Indonesian law does not distinguish. To avoid the possibility of criminal ... I wish to REMAIN anonymous.
Source: Audit-Commission
Original Title: IT System Security Audit Commission 2014 presidential election

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Full Pernyataan Prabowo Resmi Menolak Hasil Penghitungan KPU Pemilu 2014

Prabowo Subianto

Demokrasi artinya rakyat berkuasa. Wujud dari demokrasi adalah
pemilihan, dan esensi pemilihan adalah pemilihan yang jujur, yang bersih
dan yang adil.

Kalau ada yang bisa mencoblos puluhan,
ratusan surat suara itu tidak demokratis. Dari Papua saja ada 14
kabupaten yang tidak pernah mencoblos tetapi ada hasil pemilu. Ada 5.000
lebih TPS di DKI yang direkomendasika
n untuk pemilihan suara ulang (PSU) tetapi tidak digubris oleh KPU.

Manakala kita melihat ketidakadilan, manakala kita melihat perampokan
hak-hak warga negara, maka kita harus memilih. Memilih berdiri membela
kebenaran, atau atau mengikuti yang dzolim.

Pilihannya jelas.
Kami memilih membela kebenaran. Oleh karena itu kami memilih untuk
mengambil sikap. Prabowo-Hatta menggunakan hak konstitusional kami untuk
menolak pelaksanaan Pilpres 2014 yang cacat hukum. Oleh karena itu kami
menarik diri dari proses yang sedang berlangsung.

Kami tidak
bersedia mengorbankan mandat yang telah diberikan oleh rakyat
dipermainkan dan diselewengkan. Kami siap menang dan siap kalah dengan
cara yang demokratis dan terhormat.

Bagi saudara-saudara sekalian, setiap rakyat Indonesia yang telah memilih saya, Prabowo Subianto dan mitra saya Muhammad Hatta Rajasa kami minta untuk tetap tenang. Jangan sekali-sekali terpancing untuk tidak damai.

Yakinlah kami tidak akan membiarkan hak demokrasi diciderai. Kami akan
berjuang di atas landasan konstitusi, di atas landasan hukum, di atas
landasan tidak menggunakan kekerasan apapun.

Terima kasih. Jakarta, 22 Juli 2014.

Monday, 21 July 2014

KSAD: Saya Diberhentikan

KSAD: Saya DiberhentikanPrabowo Subianto: Pihak yang kuat, harus sabar. Karena kita ingin negara kita baik. Kita berjuang untuk rakyat. Kita di sini bukan orang-orang yang ingkar janji, bukan ingkar sumpah, bukan orang-orang yang bohong. Kita takut kepada Allah SWT. " TETAPI APABILA JOKOWI DAN KPU BERBUAT CURANG , HANYA 1 KATA : KITA LAWAN !!! BREAKING NEWS dari Theron Mamanua: jam 8 pagi tiga Tim Ahli IT mendampingi penyidik mabes Polri terhadap 37 Hackers yg menggelembungkan suara di Rekap C-1 Kecamatan dari separo Golput/kecamatan di Jateng, DIY, SULUT,Jatim danPapua sejumlah: 4,882juta suara utk JKWi. Semoga bisa KPU Gunakan sbgai dasar hukum yg sah utk "membatalkan' dan mengurangi perolehan suara JKWi dgn 4,882jt suara. Sehingga otomatis PRABOWO-HATTA MENANG .....barusan saja Berita Acara Penyidikan Kejahatan Penggelembungan Suara JKW di 5 Provinsi diteken oleh KABARESKRIM. Malam ini langsung dibawa ke Bawaslu& KPU.... Semoga ini pertanda kemenangan Bravo Salam Indonesia BangkitHanya info ya. Koreksi sendiri ya, jangan di balas. #PrabowoHatta , #satuINDONESIA , #INDONESIABANGKIT , #dukungboikotMETROtv­ , #syuradikaraende95fr­aternity , Website Resmi Kampanye #DukungPrabowoHatta
Mohon informasi ini disebarluaskan.
Presidential Candidate Alleges Massive Fraud In Indonesia Vote
JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto alleged Friday there had "been quite...

Pigi jo deng dia. voc. Doddie romantic x

Prabowo Subianto:

"Saudara-saudara sekalian, dari sejak awal saya selalu mengatakan bahwa
kita mengikuti dan taat asas dan kita taat hukum serta aturan main.
Saya selalu katakan, kita ikut aturan. Seluruh bangsa sedang membangun
demokrasi yang artinya sedang mengikuti taat aturan demokrasi, jadi kita serahkan kepada KPU.

Pihak yang kuat, harus sabar. Karena kita ingin negara kita baik. Kita
berjuang untuk rakyat. Kita di sini bukan orang-orang yang ingkar janji,
bukan ingkar sumpah, bukan orang-orang yang bohong. Kita takut kepada
Allah SWT. "
Photo: Prabowo Subianto:

"Saudara-saudara sekalian, dari sejak awal saya selalu mengatakan bahwa kita mengikuti dan taat asas dan kita taat hukum serta aturan main. Saya selalu katakan, kita ikut aturan. Seluruh bangsa sedang membangun demokrasi yang artinya sedang mengikuti taat aturan demokrasi, jadi kita serahkan kepada KPU.

Pihak yang kuat, harus sabar. Karena kita ingin negara kita baik. Kita berjuang untuk rakyat. Kita di sini bukan orang-orang yang ingkar janji, bukan ingkar sumpah, bukan orang-orang yang bohong. Kita takut kepada Allah SWT. "

Wednesday, 16 July 2014


Propaganda Stigmatisasi Jokowi Karena Didukung Oleh Banyak Media

Pengamat media Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta,
Iswandi Syahputra, khawatir dengan pemberitaan di media massa terkait
masalah pemilihan presiden (pilpres). Pemberitaan dinilainya dapat
memicu perpecahan di Indonesia.

“Berita media yang bertubi-tubi menerpa masyarakat itu merupakan proses
stigmatisasi. Satu kubu bisa membenci kubu lain seperti orang yang
bermusuhan. Jika stigma kubu lawan adalah musuh sudah terbentuk, maka
tunggulah saatnya terjadi perang saudara,” ujarnya di Jakarta, Rabu

Iswandi melanjutkan, sejak awal media telah mengalami polarisasi
berdasarkan dukungannya terhadap pasangan capres-cawapres tertentu. Dia
pun melihat saat ini hampir tidak ada media yang tidak berpihak.

“Hampir seluruh media sudah berpihak dalam pilpres ini. Mayoritas dari
media mainstream terlihat dengan jelas berpihak pada pasangan nomor dua.
Berkolaborasi dengan lembaga survei, tiap hari isi beritanya quick
count melulu. Ini pasti ada tujuannya,” jelasnya.

Dia menilai keberpihakan media tersebut justru akan menjadi ancaman bagi demokrasi. Salah satunya dalam masalah quick count.

“Media itu diyakini sebagai salah satu pilar demokrasi. Bagaimana media
dapat ciptakan iklim demokratis jika dalam pilpres sudah tidak netral
dan berpihak. Demikian juga dengan quick count,

bagaimana mau quick count mau benar kalau dibayar pasangan tertentu. Ini anomali demokrasi”, jelasnya.

Bahkan saat ini, media massa seperti pihak yang ikut bersaing dalam
pilpres. Sesama media saling menjatuhkan. Padahal media memiliki
kekuatan membentuk opini publik. Di tingkat bawah, berita media bisa
dipegang sebagai nilai baik dan buruk oleh masyarakat.

“Masyarakat jadi bisa terpicu konflik jika media ikut-ikutan mendukung
pasangan tertentu. Media membuka jalan bagi terciptanya perang saudara,”
ucap mantan komisioner KPI itu.

Untuk itu Iswandi menghimbau, dalam kondisi politik sudah panas saat
ini, sebaiknya media menjalankan fungsi jurnalisme damai. “Jangan
memanasi situasi, tapi beri solusi. Buatlah berita dengan pertimbangan
‘jika’ ‘maka’. Jika saya beritakan ini maka dampaknya seperti ini,”

Ia mengingatkan, negara Yugoslavia tutup usia pada umur 88 tahun
demikian juga Uni Soviet yang besar dan kokoh bubar pada umur 74 tahun
karena konflik. “Mengerikan sekali jika Indonesia bubar menjelang usia
69 tahun akibat perang saudara dan itu terjadi karena media ikut
memanasi situasi,” tandasnya.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Our Mission: Stop Hamas Terrorism

"I want them here," Mohammed's mother says through tears. "I want these women to support me." What happened when amid rocket fire Israeli mourners visited the family of the murdered Palestinian teenager: In this together: The uncle of the slain Israeli teenager Naftali Fraenkel consoles Hussein Abu Khdeir, father of Mohammed.
"I want them here," Mohammed's mother says through tears. "I want these women to support me." What happened when amid rocket fire Israeli mourners visited the family of the murdered Palestinian teenager: In this together: The uncle of the slain Israeli teenager Naftali Fraenkel consoles Hussein Abu Khdeir, father of Mohammed.
The family of slain Palestinian teenager received condolences from an unlikely source Tuesday: Israelis who had asked to come and mourn with them.

The scene was predictably awkward, even painfully so. But as NPR's Ari Shapiro reported for today's Morning Edition, the visit also brought a moment of grace for many of those involved.

The Abu Khdeir family lives in East Jerusalem, miles from the violence around Gaza, where militants have been firing rockets and Israel has launched airstrikes this week. With those tensions as a backdrop, a group of Israelis visited the family Tuesday, despite some relatives' concerns that such a visit might be used as a public relations stunt.

Here's how Ari describes the scene:

    "A huge group of Israelis has just pulled up in a tour bus, and people are arriving, some wearing yarmulkes, some wearing headscarves. They are young, and old, wearing sunglasses and flip-flops or somber button-up shirts and slacks.

    "The murdered teenager's uncle stiffly stands to greet his visitors. He tells me his culture of hospitality compels him to greet these guests warmly.

    " 'I am an Arab,' he says. 'As long as they are in my house, I cannot turn them back. They are welcome in my house.'

    "A cousin, Nihaya Abu Khdeir, stands to the side. She says she has mixed feelings. 'We have our culture and our respect. We can't just tell them to go, even if we want them to.'

    "So, the Israelis sit awkwardly in the plastic chairs."

They have come to apologize for the behavior of extremists, they say. But not all the relatives want the visitors there; one woman screams not to let others in.

Explaining why she came, teacher Nena Leibel tells Ari, "I personally think that any time one person does something good for another person, this world gets a little better."

Leibel brought dates and coffee as a gift for the family. But as Ari says, "one of Abu Khdeir's aunts told her, 'I don't want anything from you.' So she hangs on to them."

Ari asks another visitor, Ruth Danziger, if it's hard to make such gestures when attacks are underway.

"Maybe," she says. But, she adds, "I think the peace will come from the people, not from our leaders."

Eventually, the Israeli women gather near Mohammed's mother in an extraordinary scene, as Ari describes it:

    "In the center of the grape arbor, Mohammed Abu Khdeir's mother Suha sits, weeping over the loss of her son. Many of the Israeli women around her are crying, too.

    "She speaks Arabic to my interpreter, who translates.

    " 'I want them here,' she says through tears. 'I want these women to support me.' "

As he left, Ari says, Leibel stopped him to say that the gifts she had brought — dates and coffee — were finally accepted. In return, she got a hug, she says.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Israel continues caring for Gaza patients | ISRAEL21c

Israel continues caring for Gaza patients | ISRAEL21c#PrabowoHatta , #satuINDONESIA , #INDONESIABANGKIT , #dukungboikotMETROtv­ , #syuradikaraende95fr­aternity , Website Resmi Kampanye #DukungPrabowoHatta untuk #SelamatkanIndonesia­ :

JAKARTA - Ketua Tim Pemenangan Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa, Moh Mahfud MD menegaskan kemenangan pasangan calon presiden (capres) yang diusungnya. Mantan Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) ini bahkan menyebut Prabowo tinggal menunggu waktu pelantikan sebagai presiden.

"Kita sudah punya presiden baru. Namanya Prabowo Subianto. Kita tinggal menunggu pelantikan saja," ujar Mahfud kepada wartawan di Kertanegara, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (9/7).

Mahfud juga memastikan bahwa data hasil hitung cepat yang dikantongi kubunya valid. Kubunya juga siap beradu data dengan hasil penghitungan suara yang dilakukan KPU RI.

"Kita siapkan semua. Kita pastikan tanggal 22 Juli KPU memutuskan Prabowo-Hatta sebagai pemenang," tegasnya.

Lebih lanjut mantan menteri pertahanan itu meminta para pendukung dan simpatisan Prabowo-Hatta untuk tetap mengawal proses penghitungan suara. Ia juga berpesan agar para pendukung tetap tenang dan tidak terprovokasi.

"Saya minta semua menahan diri. Mari fokus awasi semua distribusi surat suara," tandasnya. (dil/jpnn)
- See more at:

JAKARTA - Ketua Tim Pemenangan Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa, Moh Mahfud MD menegaskan kemenangan pasangan calon presiden (capres) yang diusungnya. Mantan Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) ini bahkan menyebut Prabowo tinggal menunggu waktu pelantikan sebagai presiden.

"Kita sudah punya presiden baru. Namanya Prabowo Subianto. Kita tinggal menunggu pelantikan saja," ujar Mahfud kepada wartawan di Kertanegara, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (9/7).

Mahfud juga memastikan bahwa data hasil hitung cepat yang dikantongi kubunya valid. Kubunya juga siap beradu data dengan hasil penghitungan suara yang dilakukan KPU RI.

"Kita siapkan semua. Kita pastikan tanggal 22 Juli KPU memutuskan Prabowo-Hatta sebagai pemenang," tegasnya.

Lebih lanjut mantan menteri pertahanan itu meminta para pendukung dan simpatisan Prabowo-Hatta untuk tetap mengawal proses penghitungan suara. Ia juga berpesan agar para pendukung tetap tenang dan tidak terprovokasi.

"Saya minta semua menahan diri. Mari fokus awasi semua distribusi surat suara," tandasnya. (dil/jpnn)
- See more at:

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Satu Hati Untuk Indonesia

Sahabat, banyak pendapat simpang-siur di masyarakat karena perbedaan hasil hitung cepat (quick count).

Yang harus serta wajib dipercaya adalah penghitungan nyata (real count)
dan hasil hitung nyata final Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) yang merupakan
lembaga resmi penyelenggara Pemilihan Umum Presiden Republik Indonesia.

Berikut adalah Hasil sementara REAL COUNT oleh Tim Nasional Prabowo Hatta yang dikoordinasi oleh PKS (23.00 WIB, 9 Juli 2014)

Prabowo-Hatta 52,3%, Jokowi-JK 47,7%

Data dari 270 ribu TPS di 33 provinsi di 359 kab/kota di Indonesia.

Silahkan disebarkan , ‪#‎jagasuaraPRABOWOHATTA‬
Sahabat, banyak pendapat simpang-siur di masyarakat karena perbedaan hasil hitung cepat (quick count). 

Yang harus serta wajib dipercaya adalah penghitungan nyata (real count) dan hasil hitung nyata final Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) yang merupakan lembaga resmi penyelenggara Pemilihan Umum Presiden Republik Indonesia.

Berikut adalah Hasil sementara REAL COUNT oleh Tim Nasional Prabowo Hatta yang dikoordinasi oleh PKS (23.00 WIB, 9 Juli 2014)

Prabowo-Hatta 52,3%, Jokowi-JK 47,7%

Data dari 270 ribu TPS di 33 provinsi di 359 kab/kota di Indonesia.

Silahkan disebarkan , #jagasuaraPRABOWOHATTA

Satu Hati Untuk Indonesia

Sahabat, banyak pendapat simpang-siur di masyarakat karena perbedaan hasil hitung cepat (quick count).

Yang harus serta wajib dipercaya adalah penghitungan nyata (real count)
dan hasil hitung nyata final Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) yang merupakan
lembaga resmi penyelenggara Pemilihan Umum Presiden Republik Indonesia.

Berikut adalah Hasil sementara REAL COUNT oleh Tim Nasional Prabowo Hatta yang dikoordinasi oleh PKS (23.00 WIB, 9 Juli 2014)

Prabowo-Hatta 52,3%, Jokowi-JK 47,7%

Data dari 270 ribu TPS di 33 provinsi di 359 kab/kota di Indonesia.

Silahkan disebarkan , ‪#‎jagasuaraPRABOWOHATTA‬
Sahabat, banyak pendapat simpang-siur di masyarakat karena perbedaan hasil hitung cepat (quick count). 

Yang harus serta wajib dipercaya adalah penghitungan nyata (real count) dan hasil hitung nyata final Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) yang merupakan lembaga resmi penyelenggara Pemilihan Umum Presiden Republik Indonesia.

Berikut adalah Hasil sementara REAL COUNT oleh Tim Nasional Prabowo Hatta yang dikoordinasi oleh PKS (23.00 WIB, 9 Juli 2014)

Prabowo-Hatta 52,3%, Jokowi-JK 47,7%

Data dari 270 ribu TPS di 33 provinsi di 359 kab/kota di Indonesia.

Silahkan disebarkan , #jagasuaraPRABOWOHATTA

Party Of Gerindra(Gerakan Peduli Indonesia) :U.S.A & Canada Part 3 (HD-K5)

PrabowoHatta & NKRI HARGA MATI !!!
STRIKE BACK !!! Selamat siang sahabat di seluruh tanah air,

Apakah sahabat ‪#‎SudahCoblosPeciPrabowo‬?
Mari kita kawal dan awasi jalannya penghitungan suara di TPS
masing-masing. Jika ada kecurangan, mohon laporkan ke halaman ini atau
melalui aplikasi Jaringan Gerindra atau dengan mengakses

Terima kasih dan salam Indonesia Raya!
GERINDRA - Gerakan Indonesia Raya